What can you do to limit computer problems in the future? Or What can I do before Tech Support arrives to save time and money? Or What can I do to limit my exposure to the common security threats and …
What can you do to limit computer problems in the future? Or What can I do before Tech Support arrives to save time and money? Or What can I do to limit my exposure to the common security threats and …
Why? Windows 10 is now a great and stable operating system. Windows 10 is the most popular desktop operating system in the world. See here. So the best reason is your own reason. Windows 10 UpGrades and Re-installs If you …
Dear Rotarians: As an IT guy who also volunteers to help average people interface with Technology I have learned that it is easy for people to miss some fundamentals of thriving in a world where Technology was supposed to help …
Cyber security is basically protecting digital property and information from theft, loss or destruction. There have been stories of major breaches every month. While breaches of larger companies make the news private homes and smaller companies are also at risk. …
*Partially vetted Shopping links by category: Windows 10 Desktops Amazon Tablets & Laptops Costco Tablets Costco Laptops Amazon Printers network 32 bit Computers Dual Monitors Cell Accessories Costco Printers & Scanners AV HD Projectors Dear Trusted CTO: What laptop do I …
Why Basic File management is worth learning Do you create or store important files? Do you sometimes struggle finding the right file or the right version of your files or photos? If you have over 1000 computer files then you will …
Some people say they want to be taught basic compute skills but I am not sure that those are easy to learn on the fly in a short time or in a class at a pace for somebody. You’ll need a …
People constantly ask me for product recommendations. These are often centering around technology or business products but the topics vary widely. People are frustrated by the complexity of technical shopping which often leads to wasting time and money. It seams that …
For small businesses, home offices (SOHO) and even families with photos good backups are essential. Every harddrive including your backup drive will eventually fail. Add to that fires, natural disasters, theft and viruses. Everybody that computes has potential loss of …
Backups – Implementing the 3221 strategy in your home or small business Read More »
The internet is filled with software that promises improvements to your computing. Many good software programs are available for our computer but there are many more that are not. Beyond that an IT support “Best Practice” is to limit the software …
Block the employee from accessing company email on the server but allow the supervisor to respond to their emails. Change their email password on the server. Create an email forward from the old employee account to their supervisor. Add an …
Question: Jim: My XP laptop is failing and my cell phone is old. I do not have text yet and use very few minutes. I liked the size of the 7″ Samsung tablet you showed me. My son says I …
Presentation Technology Gone Wild! If I mess up the tech for this presentation we will all learn the most valuable lesson possible: That is to avoid the temptation to use unnecessary technology in a presentation. Technology helps if it …
If a windows vista or 7 or Mac OS 10.4 or new computer boots but it is slow it can probably be sped up. Windows XP computers compatible with 2GB ram or more that power on are also possibly worth …
Mother board failure is generally capacitors. They are cheap and replaceable with good eyes and a $2 budget for capacitors from www.thecapking.com . For the good eyes I pay Sam to solder mine. A great 2.5 minutes about capacitors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCSNWi3UHf4