About Discussions

Welcome to TrustedCTO’s peculiar version of our Discussion/FAQ page. This is not another open unattended newsgroup.  Are posts are timely readable guides to help our clients and friends solve common problems. Approved authors will also post proactive guides for strategies, best practice procedures and resources.

We wish we could help everybody but we have limited time so this site is dedicated to our clients and their friends. For our visitors and  new friends, we hope you will also find some of the answers you need here.

We appreciate and acknowledge several quality newsgroups that share real technical solutions. These sites are great but may have some pitfalls inherent their format. To save you time we seek to improve on some of those issues as follows.  A guide to other solutions sites. We create a posts linking other sites that have provided us guidance and solutions over the years. We wish every site was easy to navigate and find accurate and non-misleading formation but that is just not the case.

  1. Most newsgroup sites keep everything posted perhaps it is an appreciation memorial to those who participated. We respect that but as a result there maybe many pages to read between question and solution. We will try to minimize your skimming by keeping the answers as close to the questions as possible.  We also update pages, removing outdated or incorrect guidance and replacing it with updated relevant guidance.  Technology changes rapidly so answers need to keep pace.  If you want old archived answers from 2009 then many other newsgroups do that.  We update our posts to save you time.  Updated posts will have a new date and rise back towards the top.  So you may want to read our posts again if your question comes up again.
  2. Some websites talk exclusively at a highly technical level. Those posts which are deemed over the heads of the lay person may be flagged and high level. As post close will attempt to post a separate summary in plain English and link that summary near the top of the original post. This may be technically difficult but I think if it is workable the it will be a big time saver for future readers.
  3. Bullet point subtopics.  We make bold face larger font heading so that you can skim around and  find the answer you need faster.
  4. Some sites hold information hostage for membership payments or are riddled with advertisements and spam. We will do our best to prevent and remove spam and keep advertisements from tricking or confusing our guests.
  5. Limited membership.  Many people who subscribe  have been professional spammers hoping to comment so they can promote something irrelevant.  Sorry, this is not an open community so if we have not personally discussed your membership you will not be approved to comment or post.  To save our real clients time we have our security settings high.  Clients and friends please call to discuss our forum.  Our process is not formal but posting and commenting authority is not automatic. If you are not a friend, client or It professional and you loves to post everywhere then please Google: Dave Taylor’s Hardware, BleepingComputer, AskLeo, TechSupportForum.com  answers.microsoft.com apple.com/support, macworld, androicentral, phonescoop, droidforums.net lifehacker,  productforums.google.com or even Amazon.  These are the best in open membership technical newsgroups.  They have many more answers but are often harder for some to navigate.
  6. If you are a client or have free tech support/ money saving ideas to offer or then  let us know and we will be happy to grant your subscription  authority to comment or post.